Friday, August 9, 2019

Tomatoes everywhere!

It's Funny Friday
by Prudence
Hello.  If Mom eats one more "mater" she'll turn red.  Yikes, we're over run with them.  Two plants and 2 cherry tomato plants and we can't keep up.

I helped Mom make a batch of chili to freeze and two batches of tomato sauce so far and it looks like another batch of chili over the weekend.

But.....come the dead of winter we always enjoy the chili/sauce and think of the summer to come when we start all over again.

We don't have a garden, our property is on a steep slope so we use Earth Pots for the tomato plants, they are on the back porch (oh, I should mention the porch is 30' above the backyard, not for the weak souls afraid of heights).  But it's the mountains, it's bee-u-tee-ful, hilly, and the weather is so nice.  Well, the black ice in winter isn't our favorite, but the snow sure is.

I will see you next Friday.  Have a wonderful weekend, filled to the brim with Blessings.

Heaps of Hugs

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