Monday, December 13, 2010

The Twelve Days of Christmas begins.
There is a package from Kristina that says Dec. 13 which means I get to open it today.  (o:
LuLu says:  "Pu-ence okay, just little bump".

All those mean things I said about M - I take them all back.  When she saw what happened she was so worried that I was hurt.  Nope - just my pride, but she doesn't have to know that.

I do hurt a bit, a few bruises but other than that I am fine. Sissy & LuLu are bringing me peanut butter and honey, and even prezzies.  And....there is a moral to this story TEDDY BEARS CAN'T SEW.  

Have a wonderful week, give hugs, laugh and do something funny that will make some-bunny laugh.  We never know when just a smile, a hello, or reading a goofy story may lift someone's spirit.

"Maybe I can sew like Pu-ence"

Heaps of Hugs, but most important,

psst - Oh Mom, I didn't want to say anything but it was Sissy who was trying to sew. Let's keep this our little family secret, okay?
"Jason, Prudence isn't telling the truth, Sissy is innocent", "I know Becca, what should we do?" 

to be continued?  maybe...
Merry Christmas


  1. Yep...we all say things we don't really and truly mean. Don't you think. I know I do and by this time I should know better...but...I don't.

  2. Hi Miss Mona,

    True, but some of us (ME) have a way of putting our foot in our mouth way too much of the time. In my case it's "paw in mouth".

    But, I look at it like this, I've got the cleanest paws around. (o:

    I think that saying things sometimes at the wrong time or something we really don't mean is part of being human, again in my case, being bear.

    Heaps of Hugs

  3. She looks so cute sewing. Lord knows we all say things we shouldnt.
    Have a happy day. Thanks so much for your comments on my blog

  4. Silly, you don't have to thank me for leaving comments on your amazing Blog. I love writing and making new friends.

    Gee, it's only been since July 2, 2010 that I began blogging and I am having sooo much fun.

    My problem isn't the saying that gets me in trouble, it's the doing. Now in that area - I am a pro. Yup "PPTM" (Prudence Pro Trouble Maker), That's me. (o:

    Gonna go and get M to make some hot chocolate for me, Sissy, & Little LuLu, it's cold even with teddy fur. Brrrr.

    Heaps of Hugs

  5. So have you opened that pressie yet?! There is much tapping of paws and paws on hips here waiting to see what you got!

    Lots of hugs and sticky, honey covered kisses

    The Clan

  6. Hi Clan,

    Yes, our 1st prezzie is a beautiful teapot and one of Kristina's sweet little boxes.

    Sorry we didn't tell you sooner, but we knew that LT was traveling.

    Prudence, Sissy, LuLu

  7. Oh ladies, such mischief you've been making since my last visit! Bears are definitely not good at sewing but I don't think they are very good at secrets either... I'm sure the truth will come out Prudence!

    Hugs, Nicki and Little Ted, xx

  8. Hi Nicki & Little Ted,

    I'm really old, and so far I have gotten away with a whole lot, and at this point in my life what can M do to me? Jail? I don't think so. Give me up for adoption? Nope, nobody wants me. (o: I'm safe. Giggle.

    I'll just lay low for awhile.


  9. GGG cute picture of the sewing machine....what project is she working on...I would love to know.....!!!!
    Hugs, Thea

  10. Hi Miss Thea,

    LuLu is too little to use the sewing machine, in fact we are not allowed near that evil thing anymore. )o:

    I think she is just sitting there trying to figure out "what went wrong" with making a teddy bear.

    Thank you for writing, we always love hearing from you.

    Heaps of Hugs,


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence