Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Welcome, and thank you Pauline for joining our little family.  We are honored to call you "friend.

Pauline is a quilter and her amazing Blog "Quilting, friends & family" address is

Why not grab a cup of hot chocolate and drop in, and you must look at the snowman blocks, they are beautiful.  And, how fitting for the "First Day of Winter".
Welcome Pauline, and again, thank you.

All of Us


  1. Hello dear friend!!!!!
    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and your family!
    Big, big hugs.

  2. Dear Friend,

    And also to you. Merry Christmas.

    Heaps of Hugs & Hot Chocolate

    All of Us

  3. Thank you for welcoming me into your family. What a delight to experience such a warm welcome. In the new year I will be visiting the blogs on your side bar and the blogs in the '100 Best Bear Artist Blogs'. I will be in Canada over the holidays visiting family and friends....and right now I'm really short on time.....but I will return. Merry Christmas and best wishes for an incredible new year. Hugs to all!!!

  4. Miss Pauline,

    We are blessed to have you as our friend. Safe travel & a very Merry Christmas.

    Heaps of Hugs
    All of Us

  5. Hi Joyce!

    Merry Christmas to you, your family, and your little bears!!!


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence