Friday, January 28, 2011

It's Funny Friday??? Where?  NOT HERE!

NOT FAIR, I tell you....

Oh boy, not fair, she is MEAN...I mean REALLY mean.   Just cause I was being nasty about "Darth" I can't post on Monday's till AFTER those stupid sewing classes are over.  Can you believe that?  What am I going to do?  That's not till the end of  February.  NOT FAIR, I tell you....I stomped my paw down on the floor really hard at her but she didn't care.

  Maybe I should look for a new Mom. Oh, it just got worse....Sissy & LuLu can use the puter and post but I can't.  And who's Blog is it??? Huh?  What about the giveaway on Tuesday?  Who is going to pick a name?  Not M, I hope.  It will be sooo boring and uncreative.  Oh boy, not fair I tell you.  I'm outta here...stomp, stomp, stomp, - not fair I tell you, not fair.  She'll miss me when I'm gone..... (The door slams shut. The door into the craft room, that is.)

Oh, and while I am on the subject, add "dopey" to the list.  All this time she "thought" I had a translator on my page.  Hello?  What - it just walked on over and sat on my Blog?  Geez........Dad had to install it for me. 
A picture of her shoes, get it? 

"Hocus-pocus, make her disappear."


Mom: "Oh yes, we do live with a 'drama queen'. I probably will let her draw the name  but she won't know that until the last minute." 

Just a reminder...last chance to enter the Snowflakes Miniature Quilt Giveaway. Deadline is JANUARY 30th.  Just be a follower & comment that you want to be included and give your e-address (these comments will NOT be published.) 



A big Welcome & Thank You, Ina.  Please stop by and visit Ina and enjoy her beautiful gallery.  You can find Ina at
Ina Smirnova's Gallery

All of Us


  1. Oh Prudence, I wish I didn't live so far away or you could stomp your feet over to my house for a visit, I bet M would really miss you then! I think you were right all along about Darth, he's definitely an evil influence...

    Even if you can't write the posts for the blog, Sissy and Lulu probably need your help to know what to say, it's a big responsibility for them - you've got faithful visitors who need to be entertained and informed, and standards need to be maintained!

    Don't worry about the giveaway, remember, Lulu and I have a little 'arrangement' about the names in the bowl. What... cheating? Hmmm, it's not really fair, is it? Okay Lulu, put all the names back in... I'll just have to take my chance with everyone else :~(

  2. Hi Miss Nicki,

    I'll come live with you - in a heartbeat. I can teach Little Ted how to be "difficult". (o:

    I will miss posting, M has a few funny stories & the time will pass quickly - I am going to try and "sweet talk" my way out of this mess I am in.

    Can't wait for the drawing, I think M has a plan of her own, but we will keep hoping, and stufin' the bowl. Giggle.

    Heaps of Hugs

  3. Hi Joyce
    I love your stories!
    have a wonderful weekend

  4. Hi Astrid,

    Thank you, your comments mean so much to me.

    Happy weekend.


  5. Boy she P is having a fit. She should be in a load of trouble. I am signed up for the giveaway and crossing my fingers. Hope your weekend is happy :) Hugs, Kim

  6. Ohhhhh lovely Prudence is normal to be excited about the candy.
    Duendes think that they want to do it all yourself without my help but they are not able to see that everything will be fine ..... you are wonderful and gli altri needs you. please do not go away. big big hugs

  7. Dear Little duendes,

    Don't worry, Prudence isn't going away, she just needs time to think about not being so fresh. She is upstairs still filling the bowl for the giveaway with her name.

    You have fun this weekend, and know that we all love you.

    All of Us

  8. Hi StamperBee,

    Prudence says "buzz buzz". (o: We can't wait to see the new Blog, this is exciting.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Heaps of Hugs
    All of Us

  9. Hey girls, listen, if anyone's got a pact with Lulu it's us. Just saying... ;o)

    Lots of hugs and sticky, honey covered kisses

    The Clan

    PS, she's finished 'the creation'

  10. Hi Joyce, thanks for stopping by I always appreciate your visits. Sounds like your house is running to a "normal" routine. LOL!!
    I have an award waiting for you to pick up from
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Ess D'Ess Bears and Bearly Sane Studio

  11. Oh, and WHERE is she living now? She is "one" of us now......

    Can't wait till Friday to see LT's giveaway creation.

    Prudence, Sissy & LuLu

  12. Hi Sandi,

    And "normal" would be? I don't think I would recognize it anymore, even if it was right in front of me. (o:

    I love to drop in, down under, for a visit with you.


  13. Hello, Joice! Thank you for this post! It is a pity I didn't win your wonderful Snowflakes Miniature Quilt, but never mind ))) Just wish you happy birthday again!

  14. Thank you, again Ina.

    And I have more giveaways planned for this year.

    Hugs, Joyce

  15. A belated Happy Bearthday Joice. I'm glad you fooled Prudence, particularly with her tantrums. I'm sure Cheryl will love the quilt.

  16. Hi Alan,

    Thank you for visiting and thank you for the birthday wishes. We all had a fun day.


    Prudence is in "time out", again!


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence