Friday, March 4, 2011

It's Funny Friday

Now you see what we live with.  Boy, when things are going well the world has a silver lining but when things are not going her way LOOK OUT.   She's mad cause I took MY Blog back.  MY BLOG!

Well, it's been pretty quiet here, but I thought I would post some pictures she took when she went to the nursery to buy some herbs.  Now, when she tells Dad she is going shopping he always tells her to buy something for herself (she rarely does) but when she goes to the nursery he breaks out in hives.  Honest.
She has a house charge....oh boy,  and does she use it.  MAN!

Thinking SPRING....

Trip to the nursery...
In the greenhouse...

Okay, we all know she is terrified of fish, but she stood by the bridge, not on the bridge - fear,  and took this picture.  I have to give her a lot of credit, it wasn't easy for her.

Coming back home....
Our road

Around the bend

Further around the bend

Yes, spring is just around the "bend".

Heaps of Hugs, Happy Weekend, & BLESSINGS


  1. Oh, what wonderful photos! Spring has really sprung in your area. We still have tons of snow on the ground.


  2. Hi Cheryl,

    Happy Friday! Well, they are saying it will be in the 30's here on Monday morning. But at least the winter is almost over. And that - is a good sign.

    Stay warm & cozy.


  3. OMG can you send these spring flower to HOLLAND please!!!!! We have below zero temparatures here and I am deperately seeking for some spring flowers!!!!
    Have a nice weekend too. Hugs, Thea xxxx

  4. Hi Miss Thea,

    If she could send you some flowers I would hop in the mailing box too. Now wouldn't you be surprised?

    Heaps of Hugs

  5. Just absolutely beautiful photos.
    I hope, Prudence, you will still blog every now and then. I love that nursery.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs to Sissy and mom.

  6. I love the photo's,beautiful,nice greenhouse too,thank you for sharing!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Hi Miss Pam,

    Thank you. Spring is in full swing here. Oh, I'm not going to stop my Blog. After all, it's mine and I don't share my stuff.

    Heaps of Hugs

  8. Hi Miss Leny,

    Thank you and hugs to you.

    Happy Weekend


  9. Wow, your spring blossom looks beautiful, so pretty. Spring is slow here but it's coming along - the crocuses and snowdrops are in bloom, but it's still very cold. I'm very glad we're going to be in lovely warm Florida in a few weeks for a holiday!

    Hugs, Nicki and LT

  10. Hi Little Ted,

    WOW, they are bringing you along on vacation, yes?

    My buddy, Sebastian, (over at bearbits) is in England and writes on Miss Ginger's Blog. Maybe Nicki would let you write, wouldn't that be fun?

    Keep me posted...(I'm keepin' my paws crossed.

    Heaps of Hugs

  11. Good morning Prudence.
    Don't knock it, if Joyce didn't go shopping in the nursery, you wouldn't have such a lovely garden to play in.
    You call her "Grumpy" ... you don't know what grumpy is till you've been to my house and seen me first thing in the morning.
    Count your blessings girl!
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Ess D'Ess Bears and Bearly Sane Studio

  12. Hi Miss Sandi,

    Hahahahaha, YOU - grumpy? I don't think so. You should see me. You would run and never stop - like Forest Gump. (o:

    Heaps of Hugs

  13. Oh man, spring won't have sprung here for weeks and weeks yet, that's so not fair! We love the nursery though, we think you should just have it as your garden :oD

    Heaps of hugs and sticky, honey covered kisses

    The Clan

  14. Hi Clan,

    Well, why not ask LT to "ship" you across the pond and stay with us? You would get to visit with LuLu too.

    Heaps of Hugs
    Prudence, Sissy & LuLu

  15. Hi Prudence - nice idea about letting Little Ted post on my blog but he's too tiny to work the keyboard! He's not a good traveller either, too many opportunities for him to get lost so he'll be staying home. But don't worry, one of my other teds will be coming along on holiday, he's well-travelled bear and he loves hiding in suitcases!!

    Hugs, Nicki and LT

  16. Hi Little Ted,

    Oh boy, not fair - being left behind. I have a few ideas of "things" you can get into. (o:

    I'll teach you little one, all that I know....(poor Nicki)

    Heaps of Hugs

  17. Hello Prudence,
    I love the photos. The greenhouse is beautiful. I love flowers and will start mmmh next week to go in my garden, when the weather is better. It´s sunny here but cold temps, frost in the night.
    warmest hugs

  18. Hi Miss Astrid,

    Thank you. Yes, it's gotten cold here again. But I tend to forget that it's still winter.

    Have a beary wonderful week and thank you for writing.

    Heaps of Hugs

  19. hello friends
    the woman a wonderful day
    for you.
    big hugs

  20. Hello my new friend ,I'm very happy for your visit.very original blog.


  21. Hi Chicco,

    Oh boy, we are so excited to have you as our new friend. We did a special "woof" welcome on our Blog - tomorrow, 3/9/11. Can't wait to see if you like it. (o:

    Heaps of Hugs


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence