Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's All In The Name

B _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _'
Think....B, okay and then it looks like there are 3 more letters (don't worry about the D).
Hm, maybe an E?
And look at those two body parts again...
the one on the left - an ear?  But Darla has her ears on....it's NOT an arm.  (0:  Oh, this is so much fun.  Mom says we are teasing - okay - we are teasing.  Hahahahaha
We wish heaps of Blessings on you and your day.
Prudence & Sissy

Pudra Studios is having a most wonderful GIVEAWAY.  Please click on their link on our left sidebar.


  1. Awwww so very precious. Blessings.

  2. Hi,

    Thank you so much. And Blessings to you too.

    Blessings & Hugs,
    Prudence & Sissy
    (especially Mom)

  3. Welcome to the world, Miss Gloria. And to think I thought you would turn out to be a donkey? I just love your makeup and the fringe on your back.

    I hope you are having a good time.

  4. Hi Miss Pam,

    Giggle, giggle....a donkey, hmm, I see the wheels spinning in Mom's head. A donkey would be sooo cute.

    Gloria has been a real handful all afternoon. She wanted us to take more pictures of her - We told her she was acting like a little brat. Giggle.

    Prudence & Mom (Sissy is sleeping)


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence