Friday, October 1, 2010

It's Funny Friday
And WELCOME FALL - yippee, it has arrived.
Here is M's fall mini quilt that she gave to me.  Now Sissy & I each have one.

Hi, we're just hangin' out, chilling today.  Just like every other day, giggle, giggle.   
Funny story - YES, about Mom.  Her friend, Cindy in Colorado, collects Halloween things and every year since they have known each other M sends something.  Well, this year M made a 4" doll dressed in a little lion costume
for Cindy's birthday in July.  Part two - for Halloween M made a Oops - we can't post that - the package is in route to Cindy, whew.....that was a close one.

Really, truth - M was going to write and tell you what she was making and then it dawned on her, maybe Cindy reads our Blog.  So we "tested" Cindy and sure enough she wrote to us about our Christmas quilt posting.  We will post a picture after Cindy receives her package.  Gee, you have to be careful............
The cooking pumpkin Mom bought for pumpkin pies.  We just thought it needed a little "decoration".  And then M roasts the PUMPKIN SEEDS, and we all eat them.  Yummy

That's it for today, I'm off to see what kind to trouble is lurking and just waiting for me to find...
"Our" little Halloween Tree (kitchen counter)

That was from Mom, not funny.  )o:
See ya

is me, sizzy - hopy weeked, i sen u kizziez n huggziez


  1. hello,is delight ful to walk around here
    Wishing you a happy weekend!

  2. hello,is delight ful to walk around here
    Wishing you a happy weekend!

  3. Thank you, Little Elves. We loved visiting over at your place yesterday.

    Heaps of Hugs
    Prudence & Sissy

  4. Oh we're so glad you both get a quilt now that it's getting into winter snuggly weather

    Lots of hugs and sticky, honey covered kisses

    M&M, Beech, Birch, Tupelo, Oakley, Amabilis, Maisey, Lilac & Lulu

  5. Thank you Miss Katy.

    Hi Clan, we just have to tell you that we love you all to pieces.


  6. Oh you lucky bears...getting your own quilts! Yes we do have to watch what we write on our blogs don't we LOL...I could see me doing the same thing. Oh well. What a sweet little tree in the kitchen..great idea. I hope you bears and M too have a wonderful Tuesday! ((HUGS))
    Maura :)


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence