Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Funny Friday

it's evil, but what is it???
"Is it an Alien?"

IT'S VOODOO, I tell you,  IT'S VOODOO.

Prudence: Don't get close to it...
Sissy: But what is it....
LuLu:  Pretty...
Prudence:  Get LuLu & Annie outta here, it may harm them...
Sissy:  It looks like a teddy bear, doesn't it...
LuLu:  Pretty...
Prudence:  Holy smoke, it's got pins stickin' in it....
Sissy: What's pins...
LuLu:  Pretty....
Prudence: Oh my gosh, ya know what it is - it's a VOODOO doll.  She is mad at somebody and made a VOODOO doll.  She sticks pins in it and that person feels sharp pains all over their body.  I tell you - it's EVIL.  Run.
LuLu replies:  Oh, Pu-dence, oh, Sizzy, it's a cute little teddy bear.  It's a


It's Mom's pin cushion.  See, it has a happy face.  
Prudence:  How the heck does that little bear know what a pin cushion is?  Beats me!!!
Maybe my buddies over at the
 The Thistle Patch Clan

can tell me how LuLu knows about pin cushions.  I'll ask Birch, he'll know for sure cause he knows everything.

Whew.....that was scary.

Have you hugged your teddy bear today?
Heaps of Hugs
Happy Weekend


  1. it´s a fine pincushion!! I love this nice helper
    have a funny weekend

  2. Well done Lulu! We haven't hugged our beary pin cushion today 'cos she's sharp, but we did shake her wee paw. LT is usually the pincushion round here when Clan members are coming to life though, bwahahahahaha

    Lots of hugs and sticky, honey covered kisses

    The Clan

  3. Hi Clan,

    Yup, LuLu knows all about pin cushions. Oh no, poor LT - she's the pin cushion? OUCH.

    Heaps of Hugs
    Prudence, Sissy & LuLu

  4. Hi Miss Astrid,

    Thank you for dropping by for a visit. We always enjoy seeing you.

    Happy Weekend.

    Heaps of Hugs,
    Prudence, Sissy & LuLu

  5. LOL!!! I really needed that chuckle today! Thanks!
    Heaps of Hugs,

  6. Hi Miss Cheryl,

    Thanks for dropping by and saying hello. We love your visits.

    That pin cushion thingy was scary. Ya know, my shoulder hurts today. OH NO, pain in my shoulder? What has she done?

    Heaps of Hugs
    Prudence, Sissy & LuLu

  7. Lulu is one smart little bear. That little pin cushion is too cute. I hope Purdence and Sissy aren't scared anymore.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. LOL!! Very funny,love that pin cushion!
    Have a nice weekend,hugs,Leny

  9. Hi Miss Pam,

    Nope, we are off now getting into her bin of scrap fabric. It's so nice and soft, we like to jump in and throw all the pieces in the air. (o:

    Heaps of Hugs,
    Prudence, Sissy & LuLu (o:

  10. Hi Leny,

    Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend too.


  11. Hi....che meraviglia i tuoi orsacchiotti, sono davvero un amore!!
    Un caro saluto, *Maristella*.

  12. Hello my friends,
    you make me very happy with the voodoo doll!hahah Prudence and Sissy are so innocences...they are always elegantes with the clock and the shawl.I loved the pin cushion.
    Happy weekend with peace and sun.
    Big,big hugs

  13. Hello dear friends,

    So happy that we made you laugh. Have a wonderful weekends with lots of love and sunshine.


  14. WELCOME Maristella,

    Thank you for joining us. We wish you a weekend of sunshine, love and laughter.

    All of Us

  15. My first reaction ... was Prudence's voodoo doll! LOL! BTW you can let that cheeky bear know, I will not be naming the new bear after her, she's too naughty.
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Ess D'Ess Bears and Bearly Sane Studio

  16. You know...I am not too sure about that "pin cushion" either. I think I may have questioned it also. :) Just sayin'..
    Give my love to M, ok?

  17. Miss Sandi,

    So glad you stopped by - but, the name Prudence would be perfect for your new little girl. Perfect, just like me. (o:

    Heaps of Hugs,

  18. Hi Miss Mona,

    See, I told her that that thing is evil. Pin cushion - that's what they call it. But WE know better, don't we? Ouch, I just got a sharp pain in my paw - ouch!

    Heaps of Hugs,

  19. I always knew Lulu was smart ('specially after our little agreement regarding names in a bowl, ahem, best not talk about that!!).

    I think a teddy pin cushion is just WRONG! I couldn't stick pins into it, even if I was supposed to. I have one of those teddies whose tummy is filled with lavender so you can heat her up in the microwave for a warm cuddle but I just can't bring myself to do it... even when my husband tells me she's a specially trained stunt teddy!!

    Bears are for hugging (and blogging of course, Prudence) and not for sticking and heating!!

    Big hugs from Nicki and Little Ted, xx

  20. Hi Miss Nicki & Little Ted,

    Oh I knew I could count on you for sticking up for me. You are the BEST. (o:

    Heaps of Hugs

    Your hubby - hm, no good points for him. )o:


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence