Friday, June 10, 2011

 It's Funny Friday
Scroll down for information

The Welcome Corner
Off My Rocker
A big  WELCOME to Maggie.  If you love Christmas, Santa's, & beautiful Blogs you must drop in on Maggie and take a tour of her workshop.  Maggie, your work is beautiful.  Thank you for joining our little teddy bear family.  Wait till you meet Prudence (she is at Camp Good Bear for the summer, with her sister, Sissy), it will be a totally new experience.  Thank you again for joining us.

This thing called "Blogging"
Our Anniversary Giveaway

On July 2nd I, or rather Prudence, will have been Blogging for one year.  Our first post was on July 2nd and I was uncertain if anyone would read our silly stories, written by a teddy bear.  And never in a million years did I think we would make so many wonderful friends.
I have met THE nicest, sweetest, kindest people through our Blog.  It is a special family all in itself.  The friendships are true blessings.  We read posts and cry, laugh, and worry.  Worry when someone is hurting, asking for prayers or just "down in the dumps", or isn't posting as they usually do.  I can't tell you the number of times I have gone to bed thinking about one of you, worrying that you will be okay. Praying.
And so, I thank you from my heart for your friendship.

You have made us very happy.  Let's have some fun...about the  GIVEAWAY.  Let's celebrate our first year....

I hand painted & signed this box

Here are the rules:
1. Leave a comment on this post with your contact information, you MUST include your e-address
 (these comments will not be posted) counts for 1 chance
2. You MUST be a follower, but you do not have to have a Blog
Is that enough?  No, I don't think so.
3. Guess if the box is empty or has a treasure inside.  If you guess correctly you get 2 chances, incorrectly - 1 chance.
4. If you post the picture on your Blog sidebar with my link, another chance. Just let me know your blog site.
Let's have fun...
The drawing will be on July 2nd & I will contact the winner prior to announcing who it is on my Fourth of July post.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. i'm visiting your blog for the first time and the teddy bears are so loveable. would want to visit more often and say hi to your new creations.

  2. Hi Valerie,

    Thank you and WELCOME. We look forward to getting to know you.



Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence