Friday, July 29, 2011

Peace & Quiet

It's Funny Friday

I surrender, taking care of these teddy bears is a full time job.  Sometimes I don't know if I am coming or going, so.....
I'm going....

I am taking a little "me" time.  I will see you in two weeks and by that time it will be time to go and bring Prudence & Sissy home from camp.  Oh boy, another road trip.....with bears!   )o:
Babies being silly....
And you wonder why I need that "me" time???

I will see you soon and will read your Blogs as always. Please write, I love to read your notes.
Love, hugs & Blessings.
The Bear's Mom
The Welcome Corner

A big WELCOME to Barbara.  Thank you for joining our little teddy bear family.  It is a pleasure meeting you.  Please drop in at Barbara's and see all of her fabulous artistry, and you MUST watch the Kitten & Green Apples video.  It is precious.
A big WELCOME to
 Joe'l Bears

It is an honor meeting you and thank you for joining us.  We hope that our silly stories and adventures make you smile.  Please drop by Joel's Blog for a visit and tour, and welcome her. You will enjoy your visit.
Thank you and WELCOME.

All of Us


  1. A bear's mom's work is never done, and keeping the furry critters in check can be quite a chore, especially when they're as.... erm, shall I say 'spirited' as your little gang!

    Take care, have a nice 2 weeks before chaos and mayhem (otherwise known as Prudence and Sissy) come back from camp!!

    Hugs, Nicki and LT

  2. Enjoy your me-time!! I will mis you!!

    Talk soon again!!!
    Big hugs my dear friend!

  3. Me-time is something we all need from time to time. I'm about ready for some of that myself. Have a great time and we'll see you when you return.

  4. Have a wonderful time is good...blessings

  5. Have a good break Joyce. I think I'm looking forward to Prudence's return, because I may be in trouble over my comments on Jack and his ability to drink anything and everything in Provence :-)

  6. Well, Wil says it is so hot outside and so nice and cool inside that he sort of wants to nap alot.
    I overheard them talking about the Pooh movie. I want to go. I might go by myself, or take one of the Bears with me.
    Thanks for alerting us to new Bears on the block.
    Mama Bear

  7. I wrote a comment, went to look up a word and now don't know what happened to it...I just wanted to say that I am so sorry I have been lax in my writing, Joyce. I am struggling to do posts. And this is even after I took a long break.
    Everyone of your followers will miss you. Sometimes taking a break is such a good thing.
    My love is with you..

  8. Eine Bären-Mama hat immer etwas zu tun (genau wie eine Hunde-Mama :-))
    Schön, dass Prudence & Sissy in 2 Wochen zurück kommen. Genieße die Zeit bis dahin.
    Liebe Grüße
    Heike & Henry

  9. Have a fabulous time enjoying some "me" time:-) No doubt the bears have their noses out of joint because you didn't bring them along but you take such good care of them all the time, they do realize you deserve this time away!! xoxo

  10. Hello my dear Joyce,
    Have a wonderful vacation relax and have fun lots of laughs are good for health and heart!!we await his return.hugs and many blessings for you and your lovely family.

  11. I love this post and enjoy every visit I make into your world! I feel like a little girl again! ♥

  12. Hello Joyce!
    I hope you're having a wonderful holiday/vacation with GOOD weather and not this hot humid stuff we all seem to be getting this summer. I'll be watching for Prudence's post when she get's back ;)
    Have a wonderful day!
    Maura :)

  13. Hi kids, I do hope Mum had some little treat in her shopping bag for you both. Make the most of the time you have on your own. You know what it will be like when Prudence gets home.She will talk non stop for a week.

  14. Great that Sissy and Prudence coming back in two weeks ;o)
    Have a wonderful time.

    Happy Weekend


  15. oh yes, my friend,
    you need some relaxing time!
    Enjoy your holidays!
    And have so much fun.
    Woof, woof,


  16. Hi Joyce, Thanks so much for entering my giveaway and posting it on your blog. I really enjoyed reading your blog!! Thanks again and good luck!! Denise


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence