Friday, August 12, 2011

It's Funny Friday

I'm baaaccckkk...

Hi Everybeary!
Looks like I was REALLY missed!

These two little chatter boxes are going to make my ears explode!

Yes, Flora, I missed you to pieces too.


Breathing in too much mohair, girls!

Boy, is it good to be back posting, I have missed all of you to pieces.  But we had a fun summer, and made lots of beary nice friends.

I have been catching up on reading your postings, wow, some of you have had exciting adventures too.  And I see Mom won a beautiful necklace over at Henrys Welt but she has it hidden cause I can't wear it - well isn't that a terrible thing????  Not sharing?  Oh, and you know what?  She NEVER shared what was in the little painted box that she gave away - well, inside was Katie Kotton Tail, her little 4" bunny and a pretty, vintage heart picture frame.  And you know what?  She asked Maddyrose (who won) to just keep it quiet.  Can you believe her?  What is she thinking?  She is so modest that it makes me sick.  Me, on the other hand....

LuLu & Flora have grown since we left, and I see they "tried" to take over my Blob - that's like aliens taking over, whew.....not a pretty sight.  But they are our bearby sisters and they are little kids, so I told them that they did a beary good job.  Their heads are so big they can't fit through the doorway.  )o:

Welcome to all of our new friends, what a surprise to see so many new faces.  Thank you for joining us, you are the peas and carrots in my life.

We loved camp, there was arts & crafts twice a week, but I would like to have that 3 times a week next year. The campfires were SO much fun, and the scary stories were spooky but we all laughed when we threw our blankies over our heads.

We went in a canoe and had our own lifesavers, mine was bright orange with green dots.  Everybeary had their own colored dots.  Sissy had purple dots, and we weren't allowed to swap, I think the dot colors were to identify each of us.

I didn't go in the lake, but our friend Ben E. Bear did and got bearwimmers ear so he had to stay out of the water.  Another friend, Bearcilla got poison ivy and she was so itchy.  I felt so sorry for her that I made her a special prezzie in arts n crafts.  I made her wear my sunglasses to protect her eyes and keep her paws away from rubbing them.  Berrick was so homesick, at Bearents Day M&D asked if he wanted to go home,  they would meet his bearets on the trip home but at the last minute he changed his mind.  Then he started to have lots of fun.  Herr-beardt (from Germany) cried almost everyday, he was so homesick.  When Mom & Dad came they took him for ice cream and that changed everything.  I think he just missed "parents".  Then we couldn't shut him up about coming back next year.  Our friend Abby was from California.  It was amazing, teddy bears from all over the world came to camp.  We had several friends from Canada too.

Well, it's almost bear bedtime and I am tired.  So, I will see you next week.  Sissy will share some more about camp, and I think she has pictures of some of our friends.

Big, cuddly, lovey hugs.  I am so glad to be back.  Bunches of kisses to all of you.  I love my Blog family.
Kisses, kisses, and more kisses

The Welcome Corner
If you love country, decorating for the seasons and are thinking about autumn then you must drop in at Country Creations by Denise.  It's such a warm, inviting and cozy place.  Denise has a BEAUTIFUL Halloween Tree that she is giving away.  Please drop in and say "hi".
Denise, thank you for joining us.


  1. Hi Prudence and Sissy ,so glad you are back again!!
    I guess you have had a wonderful beary time,but now you are both home again with Mom and Lulu &Flora.
    Be sweet to Mom,

  2. I am so pleased you had a great time at camp...sounds like you have grown up a little while you've been away. The kids did a pretty good job of filling your shoes, but it's really wonderful to have you back in the blog seat!
    Warmest hugs,

  3. Hay,

    This bears are so cute...
    I want to take you for your nice comment on my blog.

    I wishing you a lovey week-end,

  4. It sounds like you had an awesome summer!! We're glad you're back!!

  5. Hi Prudence and Sissy,

    Welcome back. Although LuLu and Flora did an awesome job of filling in on the blog you were missed. I'm pleased your time at camp was so much fun and you got to see so many of your friends. Can't wait to see the pictures from camp.

    P.S. Katie sends her love to everyone. She has settled in nicely and has made many new friends.

  6. Hi Prudence and Sissy ,so glad you are back again!!Flora and Lulu
    did a great job!!!do not worry.
    but now it will be wonderful with all the family guys all live in our hearts.big big hugs and blessings and smiles.

  7. I'm so glad you're home....things have been a little unruly to say the least....

  8. Welcome back! So glad you had a great time at camp, but it's lovely to have you back. Looking forward to more blogging in your own inimitable style - but Lulu and Flora did really well so I hope you still let them join in now and then...

    Hugs, Nicki and LT, xx

  9. Hope you have a happy weekend. Cracked me up them talking/kissing... Hugs, Kim

  10. Welcome back Prudence, I sort of missed you. It was entertaining reading what the Lulu and Flora were blogging.

    I'm glad you enjoyed camp, but are you sure you were away all the time? Some of the posts on Travellin' Jack's blog sounded very like you, especially the ones having a go at me.


  11. Hi again, I forgot to say that not only has Jack got his holiday photos, I have more on my gallery if you'd like to see them..

    The albums start with Birds, insect and flowers, and I'll be putting more shots up to-day. I only(?) took about 1,000 pictures in three weeks so I got a few decent ones:-) Jack appears in the Avignon and Gigondas albums.

    I hope you enjoy them,


  12. Hi Prudence and Sissy,
    Welcome back. I hope your time at camp was so much and you got to see so many of your friends ;O)


  13. Hello Prudence and Sissy!!
    I'm so happy that you're back now! I missed you a lot. But i'm so happy that you have spent a great experience and that you have know a lot of new things: like friendship, adventures..I know that you are now grown and matured.
    Have a nice weekend with all your sweet family.
    Woof, woof,


  14. Hello Prudence, welcome home, but what, pray tell, have you done with poor Sissy?! We have a whole Clan of bears standing here, paws folded, demanding to know the whereabouts of the 4th furry amigo!

  15. Oooooh Welcome Back Prudence, Sweetumz & Sissy, Cutiiiiie! I have missed ya! Oh I would've welcome-back-hugged ya to pieces if I only could grab yers.... but yer all too far away *sniff*... maybe one sweet day u wanna visit the villa schrulle (means something like villa whimsy :O) ... won'tcha come visit us one fine day??? So I may hug ya till we all drop, serve some coffee, fine bear drops 'n cakez and share some lillypookish cat hugs ??? :O)))

    Lovez ya all! And big bearie hugz, Biene, the knight and the pawsies :O)))

  16. Hallo Prudence und Sissy, schön, dass ihr wieder aus dem Camp zurück seid. Wir hoffen, ihr hattet eine schöne Zeit im Camp.
    Liebe Grüße
    Heike & Henry

  17. It is always so nice to come home...Thanks for your visit and sweet comment. Beary many blessings sent your way.


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence