Friday, June 28, 2013


It's Funny Friday
by Prudence

I'm in a sort of quiet mood today, so I will say it with pictures....
Wait, how about summer words too?
Lazy Days of Summer
Summer Vacation
(only 14 more sleeps 'til I leave)
Heaps of Summertime Hugs
Prudence ♥

"Mom, where's the watermelon?"

Monkey Update......
and...we have feet!  Not quite done but it's a beginning.
Something in the works for Buttermilk & Bears Online Show in November.
"Prudence! Give me that camera, this isn't for anyone to see just yet!"
Oops, sorry Mom, too late (giggle).


  1. Oh my you look pretty well with those purple sun glasses Prudence! It really suits you.
    Before you know those 14 night sleeps will pass away.
    I'm very curious to see the completed monkey and the mouse for the online show is lovely.
    One can never start soon enough....he he he.

    Happy weekend, Thea x

  2. Hi Prudence, I am counting the sleeps and Granny got the plane tickets this week.
    A couple of days ago I went up the creek to practice fishing. Well it was fun, but Granny nearly slipped in.

    Don't forget to bring marshmallow.
    Hugs Wilbur

  3. You're at camp goodbear, Prudence? Sounds fun!!

    The last little one you showed a pic of is adorable!!

  4. Prudence, you sure are rockin' those lavender sunglasses! Your mom's monkey paws are looking, well, rather paw-ish! Love the cute little mouse. Oh, and I'll take my eggs scrambled with just a bit of goat cheese, s'il vous plait!

  5. Hi Prudence,

    We knew those monkey paws were going to come along.
    We are excited to go to camp too. Counting the days till we leave.

    See you beary beary soon!!

  6. My friend,You are always very charming and sweet with those glasses ...I'm very curious to see the completed monkey .
    wishing sunny days and lazy... hugs and blessings.

  7. We're getting some of that sun stuff here too, it's quite unnerving, we're not so good with sun in Scotland!


    The Clan & Jack


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence