Friday, August 17, 2018

Vlad's Homecoming

It's Wonderful Friday
by Prudence

It's wonderful Friday 'cause VLAD IS HOME.  He called Mom that he was hurt, he missed his footing and fell from a tree branch.  We raced to the woods where he was and there on the ground our precious Vlad laid.

Mom scooped him up and wrapped him in my blankie and carried him to the car.  He had a few minor scrapes and bruises but he wasn't hurt badly except for his wing, he twisted it trying to break his fall, so we wrapped it up and he is grounded until he can use it without feeling pain.

We made him swear, promise, cross his heart that he would NEVER leave home again, no matter how broken his heart is, and he agreed.  He knows that time will heal his heart and spirit and that the one place on earth that will keep him safe and loved is HOME. soon as we brought him in the house Gertie was right by his side, she was crying and helping to bandage his injured wing.  Later, when everybody settled down she brought him his favorite snack, sardines and milk (yuck) and isn't leaving his side.
Minnie is a tad jealous so she is in the kitchen helping Mom bake his favorite dessert - double fudge brownies.  It's a mess, batter all over her, the kitchen, and MOM.  (Giggle)

Yes, it's a happy ending - finally.  

Heaps of Hugs

Next week I'll be back to finally doing my normal posts.

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