Friday, May 27, 2011


It's Funny Friday
Going to "Camp Good Bear"

Well, it's another Friday, and the beginning of June, well - almost.

I just wanted to tell you that I am going to (summer) Camp Good Bear for the next 10 weeks.  I really need to get away and recharge my battery (giggle), this family takes the ZAP out of my fiberfill.  Honest, they do.

While I am enjoying myself, away from the family, she will do a post or two (BORING) and I promised LuLu and Flora that they could write something too.  That should be a real trip.  (o:  They can't even spell, it's just cause they are still little kids, and I love them too pieces - most of the time, sometimes, the third Monday of the month.......after the full moon.  (o:

So, I am off.....I love you and will miss you but she gave me her cell phone with "home" programmed into speed dialing (what's that?) so I can call anytime I want.  I wanted to take her laptop but the camp wants us to really have a fun, away from home experience - so no "puters".  (Ha, MY home life is an experience.)  But I will send pictures home and the family will post them for me, she has a new camera and she gave me her little one so I can take a zillion pictures.  (o:
"Oh no, what did you say, Mom?"
Mom:  "Sissy is going with you."
Me:  "Oooooh grrreat, (moan, groan, whine) does she have too?"
Mom:  "The decision has been made, Prudence."
Me: "Siiiiiiiigh" (pout, stomping around the house, slamming doors)
Sissy:  "Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
 Heaps of Hugs
See ya...
Our friend Chicco is in a contest and we would like you to vote for his "cute tummy".  Just follow the link below and read his May 18th post.  PLEASE VOTE!
Chicco E Il Suo Mondo 
or go directly to the Blog below to vote

Kika and Ideas
Some "departing pictures"

 All packed and ready to go
"Let's see, pillows, blankies, bearcases, jammies, slippies,  flashlights, toothbrush/paste, snacks...yup, all ready to roll.  Driver, start the engine, giggle."

"Did we forget anything, Prudence?"

"Girls, are you all buckled up?"

LuLu & Flora: "Bye Prudence, Bye Sissy, we're gonna miss you, sniffle, sniffle."

"Yippee, Sissy, we're on our way - Camp Good Bear here we come!"

"On the road again...." 
"99 jars of honey on the wall
99 jars of honey
if one of those jars should happen to fall
98 jars of honey on the wall
98 jars....."
Mom:  "Oh, this is going to be a long, painful & noisy trip..."
Prudence:  "Are we there yet?"


  1. Oh boy..Prudence and Sissy,we are going to mis you!!

    Come home safely again,
    Big hugs,Leny

  2. Hi Leny,

    Yes, it will be quiet here for the next few weeks.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  3. What? There's a camp? Just for bears?! ALL summer?!!! LT, we need to talk...

    Prudence, you have to figure out how we can join you, we're feeling deprived

    Lots of hugs and sticky, honey covered kisses

    The Clan

  4. Have a WONDERFUL time, Prudence and Sissy!! I can't wait to hear about all of your new adventures.


  5. Prudence and Sissy, I am going to miss you both. I hope you have a great time at camp.

    Love you bears, and Mom too.

  6. Jeff-Dog says - make em stop as often as possible for comfort breaks, roll in something interesting and get back in the car - they'll get there quicker to get away from the smell. It works every time... High paw to ya!

  7. Dear Jeff-Dog,

    Those comments - please keep them to your dogself. That's all Prudence would have to see, I can just see it now. )o:

    Hugs, and thank you for writing.

  8. Hi Pam,

    They will be writing and sending me pictures. I will keep you posted.


  9. Hi Cheryl,

    I'm going to miss them also, and it will be quiet around here.

    Happy Holiday Weekend


  10. Hi Clan,

    I'll send LT an application as soon as I get home from taking them to camp.


  11. friends of the heart,
    i know you guys will enjoy.hell are you beautiful with seat belts and sunglasses.always so adorable.thank you for voting Chicco he is very happy!!!
    hugs and blessing

  12. Dear duendes,

    Thank you. It's going to be very quiet around here this summer without Prudence & Sissy.

    Blessings and Happy Weekend


  13. I hope Prudence and Sissy have a lovely relaxing time at camp, we'll miss them but the blog is in safe hands with LuLu and Flora - I think it's about time they had a bit more input!

    Hugs, Nicki and LT

  14. Hi Nicki, & Little Ted;

    Yes, the little girls will have a chance to see what blogging is all about.

    Happy Weekend & thank you for visiting.


  15. How wonderful!!!! have a super fab trip :D

  16. Hi Jenny Lee,

    Thank you for dropping in for a visit. Have a wonderful weekend.


  17. What fun you will have! but dollies want to go to dollie camp! we'll see! heehee! HAVE FUN! Stay out of the deep end of the pool! ♥

  18. Hey, we could start a fun, summer activity. You could send the dolls to Camp Good Dolly! (o:


  19. Dear Prudence and dear Sissy
    wishing a wonderful time in the bear camp, we are going to missed you!!
    with love

  20. Hi Astrid,

    Thank you for dropping by, I always enjoy your visits. I will tell the girls you were asking for them.


  21. I wanted to wish Prudence and Sissy as good time at Bear Camp but my wishes got eaten by the google monster or whatever it is. I think I've discovered another way but now it may be too late. Here goes anyway.
    "Have a good time at camp Prudence and Sissy."
    Hugs your friend,

  22. Hi Maddyrose,

    I will tell the girls when I call them tonight. They are having a wee bit of home sickness.


  23. Dear Prudence,

    Going to a summer camp on your own is always a bit boring, so you are a lucky bear cause Sissy comes with you!!! And you two look so cute with your sunglasses on, you will be the most popular girls in the summer camp!!!

    Love, love, love your pictures!!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  24. Hi Catherine,

    I will read your lovely message to them. I may be going up to the camp during next week. They are having a little case of "missing home" so I will make the trip.


  25. Poor Abby,
    She read this over my shoulder..and gave me a look...yes she did!

    So...I guess I best get hot and take her someplace in the "car car"...hmmm...wonder if she would like a pedicure???
    Just sayin'...
    Have fun all..
    Mona and Abby

  26. No, Abby can join in the fun. I will send you the application.


  27. Oh wie schön. 10 Wochen in einem Camp, ausschlafen, faulenzen. Wie herrlich. Wir wünschen Euch eine schöne Zeit und kommt gesund wieder.
    Liebe Grüße
    Heike & Henry

  28. Hi Heike & Henry,

    Thank you for dropping by. I will tell the girls you were asking for them and hope they have fun at summer camp.


  29. Hi Carrie,

    I will tell them when I talk to them over the weekend. I think they are feeling a wee bit homesick.



Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence