Friday, December 9, 2011

Havin' Fun

It's Funny Friday
Shopping at the fabric store

Last Saturday Mom & I went to the Senior/Assisted Living Complex (Heritage Oaks) for an afternoon of displaying our crafts.  We had fun, Mom has been doing this for three years and the people just are so thrilled when people come in with their crafts.
Heritage Oaks Entrance
Dining Room
 "Grrr-rate" mode of transportation


Christmas came early...
Thank you, Tee

Creations by Tee sent me these beautiful creations.  I kept opening little parcels and could not believe all the beautiful tags, bookmarks, ornaments, and note pads that Tee creates.  Notice the wee little teddy ornament (o:  I am in awe of your artistic paper crafting. Again, thank you Tee, I just don't know what else to say.
The Welcome Corner
A warm welcome and thank you to
The Saucy Siciliana
  Francesca lives in Rome and received a beloved teddy bear from her Grandmother in the USA when she was a child.  That teddy bear became her best friend.  Teddy's make the best, best friends.  They listen, don't judge and are always ready for a hug.
WELCOME, friend and thank you for joining us.


  1. Dear Joyce..
    Craft shows are so see what folks are capable of making is such a great experience. Especially people who make beautiful bears..bears that warm people hearts and let them know that if you own a hand made Teddy Bear...made by a dear friend..well..then you have had something very special in your life.
    If it were not for people such as you..I would never have been born.
    Abby Ingalls (Abigail)

    Hi Prudence! hugs to you and everyone.
    Merry Christmas!!

  2. What a beautiful Christmas Trees!!
    Well done!!! They look really great!You did good work Prudence!!!

    Happy Weekend!!


  3. You have a heart of gold, Prudence! I'm sure all the folks love to see you coming to brighten their day!
    Such wonderful gifts too!
    Best wishes

  4. Hi Prudence,
    Looks like you had a fun time at Heritage Oaks. We like the pretty Christmas trees. Wow! Look at all of the neat stuff you got. We can tell that somebody likes you.
    Guess who has a new Christmas dress.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Bellamine & Wendy

  5. Looks like you had a fun time...residents of these places are always so good to us 4 paws...
    Happy days to you all,

  6. What a beautiful Christmas Tree :o)
    I like visiting exhhibitions ,where can take a look at hand-made things.
    Have a nice weekend

  7. This is such a nice post todayI enjoyed seeing all of the pictures and the beautiful gifts from Tee.

    Hugs to all of you.

  8. I know the senior citizens enjoyed your visit. I am sure Prudence got lots of smiles and hugs too.

    The paper crafts that you received are so pretty. I will have to check out her blog.

    Prudence your pictures are so cute. I am in love with your legs!! So cute you are, sitting on top of the fabric bolts.

    You and your Mom are two angels.
    I know the two of you must bring so much joy and smiles where ever you go.

    Thank you for giving me oodles of smiles. I will be forever happy to have you as my two very special favorite friends.


  9. Hallo Prudence, das ist aber ein toller Weihnachtsbaum der dort aufgestellt wurde.
    Ja, Kunsthandwerkermärkte sind etwas tolles.
    Liebe Grüße
    Heike & Henry

  10. Dear Prudence, what a nice day you had with Mom. And I never noticed what beary long legs you have!

  11. So Glad You Liked Everything! And Thank You For The Nice Comments On My Blog! Hugs,Tee

  12. There are almost no craft fairs in the part of England where I live. I'm sorry to say. Where I'm from in New Brunswick, Canada, it was a part of the holiday season I really looked forward to; visiting various Christmas craft fairs to shop for gifts.

  13. Hew Prudence, sorry we're late, but SOMEONE went swanning off down south for a Christmas party yesterday morning, and only just got back - just can't get the staff these days!

    The fair looks like fun, and we love all your creations by Tee :o)

    Lots of hugs and sticky, honey covered kisses

    The Clan and Jack

  14. Hello,I'm late...
    Looks like you had a lovely week...
    Tomorrow I go to the hospital for a week therapy to the cause of cancer I had last year...have a thousand things on my mind...Happy Sunday to you friends,we talk when I return ok.hugs.

  15. Oh..nothin'. Just hanging out and wondering how y'are. :)
    Mom got the BIG tree done..:) Not as pretty as mine. No gingerbread men! :) Nothing says happy like Gingerbread men on your tree!

  16. Hay,

    Ohhhh...this is such a wonderful post.
    I love your bears!

    Groetjes Marijke

  17. Lovely visiting with you on your blog and getting to know you.Thank you for the kind words on Tee's site about my icy blue matchbox.Merry Christmas to you and God bless you and yours. I'm your new follower.


Thank you for writing, I love to receive mail and comments on my posts. Thank you for dropping by and have a most blessed day. Hugs, Prudence